Office of Legal Affairs, TMU


Category Title Date
Announcement OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses of Article 50-1 and amendments to "Act on Wildlife Conservation"
Announcement MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Order is hereby given, for the revision of "Operation Directions Governing the Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarships" (former name: Ministry of Education Directions Regarding the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship) (revised directions come into force from 4th, February 2025)
Announcement MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Order is hereby given, for the revision of "Operation Directions Governing Ministry of Education Awards for Contributions to Arts Education" (revised directions come into force from 8th, February 2025)
Announcement MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Notice is hereby given, for the amendment of "Foreign Special Professionals With Expertise in Sports" (amendment becomes effective from 11th, February 2025)
Announcement PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 5 of "Regulations for Evaluation of the Most Advantageous Tender"
Announcement MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the revision on Paragraph 2 of "Required Documents for Employers to Hire Type A Foreign Worker(s)" (revision becomes effective from 24th, January 2025)
Announcement MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Order is hereby given, for the revision on partial provisions of "MOE Funding Directions Regarding the Development Plan for Universities and Colleges" (revised directions have come into force since 1st, January 2025)
Announcement PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby given, for the revision of "Implementation Procedure of Article 58 of Government Procurement Act with Regard to the Circumstance Where the Total Bid Price Is 20 Percent Less than Government Estimate" (revision becomes effective from 14th, January 2025)
Announcement MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Order is hereby given, for the revision on partial provisions of "Implementation Directions for Taiwan International Student Design Competition" (revised directions have come into force since 1st, January 2025)
Announcement MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Order is hereby given, for the revision on Paragraph 8 of "Directions Governing Ministry of Education Subsidies for Private Universities and Colleges to Reduce Student Fees" (revised directions have come into force since 1st, January 2024)